May 08

GMU what?

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Hi. Before we get into the main blog post itself, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I am sophomore at George Mason University, and I am majoring in COMM. On campus I am work in the office of Student Media, I am involved in Catholic Campus Ministry, I am a member of the Knights of Columbus, and I am an Eagle Scout.  I bring these because the following blog posts may be biased and I wanted to acknowledge that fact starting out, so let’s begin:

With 33,917 students George Mason University is the largest University in the State of Virginia by enrollment.  Formed in 1957 as a sub campus from the University of Virginia, GMU has grown a lot since its formation almost 54 years ago. However, unlike UVA which as a tight nit community, Mason’ community of mostly off-campus students not form a well balanced community, but rather an unfocused group of students wanting to be part of something greater.

I am going to focus on five aspects as to why Mason lacks in terms of school involvement, and how the Mason Community can improve.


  1. Traditions – how Mason is getting rid of tradition
  2.  Sprit- How the average Mason student lacks school spirit
  3. The university that can’t grow up- How the University is focusing too much on the past, and is not concerned about the future
  4. Cheering- How the cheers at sporting events in disorganized
  5. Sports- how attendance at sports games is lacking


The purpose of the blog is to spread awareness of the weakness in the Mason Community, and hopefully get the conversation going to fix them.

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